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 Important events 



Creation of Micófilos Chile

While the Family Science Day is taking place at the Faculty of Natural and Oceanographic Sciences of the University of Concepción, Sandra and Viviana begin to work divulgation of the Fungi Kingdom aimed at all audiences, giving talks in different places of Chile.



1000 Científicos/1000 Aulas

This year begins our active participation as volunteers giving educational talks on mushrooms in 1000 Scientists/1000 Classrooms in charge of the Explora Program of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Research.



Mycology Club for Children

At the beginning of this year, Viviana is designated as Scientific Advisor of the Explora Program in the Curanilahue commune and created the Mycology Club for Children, in order to bring the world of mushrooms closer to Basic Education students.



Edible Mushrooms Trainings

Seeing that there was a gap in the knowledge about edible wild mushrooms present in Chile, Viviana began to conduct trainings with a theoretical and practical part to teach people to recognize edible species and prevent poisoning.

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Manual de Micología Básica

The book "Manual de Micología Básica" is publicated, free of charge and several platforms, in order to encourage the study of fungi. This manual was widely accepted, expanding to other Latin American countries and currently has more than 20,000 downloads.



Mycorrhizal Research Network

During the I International Symposium Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in South America held at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Austral de Chile, Patricia Silva-Flores, María José Dibán and Dinelly Soto joined the Micófilos Chile team.



MMA Collaboration

Part of the Micófilos Chile team was invited to collaborate in the project "Macroscopic fungi and lichens present in Chile", directed by the Natural Resources and Biodiversity Division of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA).



Hongusto Book Publication 

The book "Hongusto, social innovation around wild and cultivated mushrooms in Aysén" was launched, oriented at teaching about edible mushrooms and educating about those present in the southern region, with participation of Dinelly and Viviana as authors.



Formalization as an ONG

At the end of this year, Christian Valdés-Reyes, Valentina Cáceres and Francisca Nárvaez joined the team, which led to the formal constitution of the NGO Micófilos, formed by a collaborative working group, where its members share a Mission and Vision.



Fungarium MICOCL

The Fungario de ONG Micófilos is registered with the code MICOCL in the Index Herbariorum of New York. In this way, we join several collections on fungi registered in Chile, where one of the most important is the Fungario CONC-F of the Universidad de Concepción.



Reserve Agreements

We initiated agreements with the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve, Senda Darwin Biological Station, Nonguén and Magallanes National Reserve, among other institutions, to conduct research on biodiversity and geographical distribution of fungal species.



I Chilean Mycology Meeting

The I Chilean Meeting of Mycology is done at the University of Chile, with the participation of more than 250 people involved in research fungi and lichens. Viviana is recognized for her work in the research and development of Mycology in Chile.

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Online Fungal Activities

More than 20 online activities are carried out to disseminate the Fungi Kingdom in our country: conferences in congresses, lecture series, trainings and courses. Likewise, articles on the importance and interactions of fungi are written for several national magazines.

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Online Fungal Activities

More than 20 online activities are carried out to disseminate the Fungi Kingdom in our country: conferences in congresses, lecture series, trainings and courses. Likewise, articles on the importance and interactions of fungi are written for several national magazines.



Rufford Fund Award

Our founder was awarded a Rufford Fund to carry out the project "Knowledge of Biodiversity for Environmental Education and Conservation of Macrofungi in the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range", in which four members of our team and other colleagues will participate.

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Book HSC Nativos de Chile

The book "Native Edible Wild Mushrooms of Chile" by our founder and president Viviana Salazar-Vidal, published by Editorial Libro Verde, was published. This book deals with the recognition, sustainable harvesting and recipes based on edible wild mushrooms.

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Guía Hongos de Chile Central

Se publicó la guía ilustrada "Hongos de la zona central de Chile" que es una invitación a conocer las especies de hongos presentes en la zona central de Chile, y de manera particular aquellas que habitan en medio de la vegetación del Bosque Esclerófilo y el Matorral Espinoso.

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